6 Questions to Ask Yourself When You’re Not Getting Results
If you’re trying to lose body fat and put on lean muscle, but you’re not seeing the results you want, ask yourself these six questions:...
Eat Like You Love Yourself
Eating into oblivion is not a form of self-love. Disregarding your reflection in the mirror or biometric markers is not a form of...
Why Starting and Stopping is Harming Your Progress.
Your body isn’t changing because you keep starting and stopping either the same program or different programs. You’re not being...
5 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight
Have you been on a weight loss journey for a while but the scale isn’t budging? Or maybe the scale went down a bit in the beginning but...
All You Have Is Now
There is no tomorrow. There is no later. There is no next Monday, next month or next year. There is only here and now and it’s time to...
Recognizing Your Own B.S.
As a personal trainer, the number one excuse I hear for not being active is “I don’t have time.” Jobs, children, household...